Friday, April 1, 2011

Google farmer update - is there anything to worry about

There is nothing to worry about the Google farmer update (some say Panda update) for the SEOs and the website owners who never think to utilize the content (huge volume but low quality or stuffed texts with keywords) of their sites maliciously to get better SERP and page rank. Google has been trying ever to keep its database free of content those are worthless against human legibility and understanding. And this time with Google farmer update it has applied strong filtration by updating the search algorithm. Till date the process has been applied to index of and it is supposed to be applied to the complete search indices world-wide.

However, let us now see what has happened and what will be the consequences in the search results and the page rank in short:
  • After the Google farmer update the search giant has implemented a filtration to find if the huge volume of content in a site is of poor quality (without valuable information). How far relevancy the texts are having and if there is any repetition of same content or the sentence, phrase to lengthen the volume of the text or there are several copied text in any web page.
  • It has been made sure that the text content is with rich links both inbound and outbound. Google farmer update heavily prioritized the relevancy of links and the web pages with more valid links are given better page rank and SERP. But the content (and the domains) with irrelevant links are scheduled to go to the purgatory – sandbox.
  • The Google farmer update has started a process of checking if the web pages are attempted to be prepared with equal density for all keywords mentioned in the title and meta key words. It is obvious that this type of usage of keywords make the content stuffed unnecessarily. Now onwards there will be greater filtration on these issues.
  • With the implementation of the Google farmer update the process of screening the web pages with higher ratio of ads against the information. It is found that websites are stuffed with advertisements against giving the proper information to the users. This is only done to earn revenue through advertisements. And it is fact that to get advertisement the sites try black-hat process to get visible in SERP.
  • Last but not the least is the priority of visitor acceptability of the site content depending on the analytic reports. Google farmer update has started strictly analyzing how the users are taking the web pages of the sites. Are the visitors staying on pages that are made to deliver information on the business of the sites? On the other hand, if the visitors are trying to “contact us” or “request a quote” on the basis of the reputation of the site? How is the continuous bounce rate of the sites? These things are analyzed to know the visitor preference of the site and depending on these factors; the sites are getting better SERP or page rank.

Hope with the above points you have understood how is going to be the future Google search indices after Google farmer update comes to effect for preventing the search engine optimizers and the website owners who are looking to make the web pages worthless to read by the human beings. We should cheer up the Google Inc. for taking one of the major step in making the website really for the information spreading. Let each and every entity related to website building (web design company, SEO company and others) understand that websites should be built with the primary goal of making business with proper information, not for getting fast higher page rank or SERP. Finally let’s wait for Google farmer update to be applied in the whole indices of Google.

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