Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Google Me – the next generation social networking

"Oh the ghost is here
It's a crook in a suit
The ghost is here
He's protecting some loot…"

Oh, Mr. Kevin (co-founder of Digg) have you seen any ghost? If so, let the ghost come out and this time for sure, it will not be a “crook”. I want to see the loot taking place! Yes, I am talking about the wonderful smell Kevin got about the curry ‘may be’ cooking in Google’s kitchen – "Google Me".

Kevin’s tweet is undulating the World Wide Web and people are really waiting to see the expected superb social networking site from Google. There are now thousands of speculations around that Google this time will not leave any single brick unturned to see its third attempt to stand straight with a social networking site that is going to be as popular as its search engine.

Clash of the Titans

No I am not talking about the 2010 fantasy film based on Greek mythology! But I could not but stop myself dragging the instance of the remake of the 1981 movie with same name as Google is supposed to remake it’s more or less flop initiative Orkut and Google Buzz.

Now who is the other Titan? Of course today’s most favorite social networking site – Facebook! Certainly there are reasons about the rise and upcoming clash of these two. What’s that? Why the search giant started fuming in anger to devour up the other one?

The Bread and Butter

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has openly announced- “It’s a really simple answer, which is that our business is advertising. We’re not waiting to find our business. We found it, and it’s actually working very well.” This has sensationalized the total affair to everybody – how come Google team is just remaining mum!

Google’s one of most important ways of earning huge revenue is its advertisements. Interestingly Facebook has also started local business advertising strategy. It claims that it’s going to open this window too for its 400 million users to "like". And Google is not going to see the things slipping out of its hands. That is the reason Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt hinted at the Guardian’s tech conference - “That would be a product announcement and I won’t say.” Isn’t it indicating something in the process but he chooses to put his lips shut up! He will next time say "Google Me".

Firing on all cylinders

This time there will not be any mistake! Google is not a newly trained soldier who is asked to shoulder the rocket launcher for the first time. It is 2004 when Orkut came into being and promised to provide a strong network of friends. But it could not meet the expectation and today its popularity is limited to India and Brazil mostly.

But interestingly one month later in the same year 2004 Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook and for its openness and user friendliness now it has become the most popular social networking site for its worldwide monthly active users (1,191,373,339) just in the year 2009 (study Compete.com).

But this does not mean that Google has ceased to build up a new social networking site. It came out with Google Buzz last year 2009 integrating the site’s facility with Gmail. But till date it has not impressed the users of other social networking sites, not even maximum Gmail users. But Facebook is increasing its strength and want to have billions of users.

Google is ready to merge its Google wave, YouTube, Orkut, Google Buzz, and all other related services and this time this will jump to assassinate Facebook with initial 200 million existing user base.

Even thinking to get back Dolly

The first cloned mammal Dolly was a sensation to the world. Now Google is supposed to create even Facebook clone to get the new superb networking site. ‘Google Me’ will definitely come with all the features of Facebook. But it is going to be something beyond Facebook. Just for say the privacy problem of Facebook. Hopefully, Google will solve the situation and there will not be such embarrassments.

My enemy’s enemy is my friend!

Google is ready to tie-up with all the rivals available against Facebook. Just like its deepening association with Twitter. Simply Google is using viral effects of Facebook’s competitors.

Google is even found to sponsor a project at Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute. The project is concerned about “rethink and reinvent online social networking”. The project is also named beautifully as “Social stream” . Hopefully in future, there will not be any other competitive company or project against Facebook that does not receive Google’s sponsorship!

Keep an open mind!

Everybody is waiting to see what dazzling social networking features Google can offer this time with Google Me! Some are expecting to get the opportunity to carry their personal data anywhere with ‘Google Me’. Few have stated to argue that one click will boost the power to delete all the data from all Google facilities. And some people are going by Paul Adams, the lead officer for user experience research at Google who says “People have multiple facets of identity”.

Keeping finger crossed

Whatever the speculations are we are not going to take the things in negative sense. We are hopeful that another social networking site is coming to offer us better facilities than the reigning site facebook. We webmasters are going to spread our business network far better and our SEO initiative will prosper one step ahead. Let’s everybody wait and watch.

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