Monday, January 24, 2011

How to promote your website through Social Media Optimization

All of us know that websites are built to voice the opinions, work or business online. And it is an interesting fact that the websites does need promotion! To promote a website we need the help of search engine optimizers or the website optimizers. Social media optimization (SMO)is a very much important part of website optimization. It is fact that the SEO involves lots of technical factors to guide the search engine to find the desired webpage or the entire site. But in the case of SMO it is nothing but the social connectivity through the internet. Today with the help of social media optimization businesses are highly promoted through various ways.

So here we are trying to find out few features of social media optimization which always help in the promotion of any website. Let us have a look:
  • The first thing done in social media optimization is building community for increasing connectivity. There are so many popular sites (Facebook, Twitter, Orkut to name just a few) where user profiles can be created and even pages can be crafted to present oneself or the business. Slowly the people of same interests are made friends and interaction begins. The larger the community becomes, more the voice of the profile is heard. This way whatever a user has – opinion, product, service and etc. gets highly promoted.
  • Social bookmarking is another great part of social media optimization and option of reaching the same interest group. Through various bookmarking you can show your interest to people and they will know about yours services and products. For example if you bookmark with Digg and delicious, you will find it easy in getting associated with the users about what you have.
  • You must have heard about the Forums! The whole online community shouts for any help against the problems through Forums; very useful part of social media optimization. There are people who individually or on behalf of companies try to resolve the problems showing possible solutions. So you can help people in that way. And people will visit your site to know more about your products and services.
  • Use and share of visual presentation is another great factor in social media optimization. There are always chance that you have some valuable information shared through Youtube and Podcast like media. Why not let people access to those. Help them to create mash-ups even with your own created files. More you present those in such media and let people use those more will be your reach to them. You can use syndication (RSS and Atom) in sharing your best belonging.
  • Sharing text content through blogs comes of immense help. You simple provide genuine and informative content in these types of site. Do share these with social share buttons. You will find this as very much effective way of social media optimization as people anytime and every time search for information and there is chance of landing on your websites. If they like those they will return and ask others to visit.
However these are the only five ways of social media optimization. If you carefully go through the points, you will see that you are not typically pursuing people with the sales man attitude. But you are sharing your information or opinion with them. Remember there are lots of people in this world who are of same interest as you have. Again if you are trying to promote your business (service or the products) through the social media optimization, you are doing the right thing. No doubt people ask for friends’ opinion before choosing service or buying products. You are first becoming friend then sharing information of products or the services. So there is no harm in promoting business highly through the social media optimization. Without harming the image of social media you get your business promoted. There are lots of SEO companies, web design company, other website builders and search engine optimizers who use this social media optimization for the clients to promote business. What you need is to find the best suitable social media optimizer for you.

1 comment:

  1. Social Media Optimization is required to achieve high visibility and driving traffic to your website. It includes everything from effectively using RSS feeds, to using social bookmarking sites like Stumbleupon and Delicious. It is a philosophical, yet effective way, of looking at the world of website promotion. Thanks a lot.
