Now what is this ”SEO Press Release”? This kind of press release is all about writing a press release content following some specific search engine optimization tricks on use. For example, choosing the right topic to write, optimizing the title, body with keywords, using links in the summary or important places and possibly include quotations, videos or images. These do not only make the press release more informative, it does gather attention of the search engines in search of quality content.
Is that all needed to be done? Then what else could be done? You need to use some techniques to market your SEO press releases. And this process is also simple – selecting the proper sites to submit, submitting to RSS news feed, using Google/ yahoo news, creating a page in your site and using social media.
Onlinewebdirectory is a web directory for every web design company and all other businesses. We try to keep our visitors informed about various techniques of business promotion. Now let us first tell you how SEO press releases can be made:
- Select a proper topic & reason: The first mistake found among the promoters is to write with sole idea of promotion! Never do it. Find out a great reason to write a press release. It can be just any new product launch, new service coming into effect or something that is worth the news.
- Think of keywords but use properly: Yes it is for sure that you have to put some keywords in your SEO press releases! But before starting, do analyze how relevant are those to your topic. If it is done, do you know that placing those keywords at the beginning you may irritate the readers? So never do this thing.
- Keeping the matter of backlinks in mind: Well, there is no question that link back to your site has great importance for your site. So make your plain PRs into SEO-Press Releases with proper links that will take back to your site. And here you have to keep in mind that proper keywords have to be linked to get maximum value from the search engines.
- Publishing in proper sites: You may have tried your best to make your normal press releases SEO-Press Releases! Please do not submit it in just any press release site. The reason is simple – your writing would not get its expected popularity or the visibility. Try to publish it in sites that have higher Page Rank. People do read the release from these highly prestigious sites. Yes, you may have to work hard to meet the guidelines but once passed all your labor will pay off.
- Submitting to RSS feed directory and Google News: If you find the press release sites are not automatically submitting your SEO press releases to news and RSS feed directories, do it yourself. These RSS directory submissions and submissions in Google news or Yahoo news would highly increase visibility with value from the search engines.
- Creating news page in your site & promoting in social media: It is always good to publish your SEO press release in your own site. To do it you may easily have a page in your site named ‘news’. And you are going to get a great chance to promote those through the social networking sites. So this process is going to bring double benefit – isn’t it?