We all know that
Google bomb is spamdexing. But it had some good sides too. The matter is concentrating on link exchanging and over all search engine optimization (SEO) process for getting good position on search engine result pages (SERP).
The Google bomb first came into notice in 1999 with the phrase "more evil than Satan himself" which linked result as "Microsoft website homepage" in the top search result pages. The problem has been solved. Again Google bomb came back to existence with phrase “miserable failure” giving result as the official site of US president George.W.Bush and "trou du cul" - a crude French anatomical phrase (used as slang) – to French President Mr. Sarkozy's Facebook page against his decisions on Pension reform and other issues.
Google employs many steps or runs special algorithm to solve Google bomb situation but incidents occur again and again. Either people with the attitude of taking revenge link some keywords with a particular site or SEOs try to get as many as links back to a site at any costs and link sites likewise.
To say a bit clear– in Google bomb a specific phrase within anchor text is linked with a specific webpage and that is placed within the large group of known sites. When Googlebot used to think it valuable and gave priority for the search result with the same phrase. But Google now use filter against this bombing. It checks relevance and the presence of the phrase in the targeted site.
However there is both good and adverse effects of
Google bomb on present SEO process; in other words on our websites. Let’s see few good and bad effects!
- Still today we can use Google bombing like feature with posting a link for a keyword phrase in less popular forums or other discussion media. It is actually for increasing traffic to the deserved site.
- The use of several sub-domains to popularize a particular sub-domain does work today also. The linking of sites may create situation like Google bomb but Google itself values sub-domains as distinct sites. So it is helpful for increase of page rank.
- In reciprocal link exchange many a times the link text is same for different sites, and googlebot considers it spamming (in the category of Google bombing).
- Relevancy of any particular phrase or detail that is supplied to social bookmarking, networking sites forums, article directories should be maintained. If there is no relevancy and presence of the phrase in sites it is spamming.
- Placing blog links in groups of similar business creates Google bombing situation. People commenting with their links in several blogs and some keep the comment as valuable. This may create confusion to robots!
- Link trading firms try to assure higher SERP within few days and these sites use link exchanging software or trade site’s link with single link texts. If your site is found in such cases, Google punishes the site for creating Google bomb situations.
- Success is hard earned; a webmaster may work hard to get back links to a site with fair process. But quick success with poor quality links and same link texts leads Google bombing context.
- A try to manipulate SERP with frequent update in code structures and web page copy lead to bomb situation. Webmasters should remember frequent change attract Google bomb filter applied to a website.
Now reading the above points you may be thinking how this relates with a web design company? Have you ever thought to the number of web design companies existing in the Google index? Till date the competition of the keyword "
web design company" is more or less 165,000 according to Google adword keyword research tool. How tough is the competition! Don’t you think the webmasters try hard to get better page results (SERP) or force to? Everybody is on the race to get the top position!
So the millions of
web design companies have to be careful that the Google bomb filter is not called to action otherwise whatever positive initiatives had been taken will go in vain. Any careless attitude in getting the dreamt top rank in the search engine result pages can tempt Google to arrest your initiative by applying 'Google bomb filter'!